Handling Coronavirus Stress And Anxiety In Children

Handling Coronavirus Stress And Anxiety In Children    

Answer Their Questions In Regard To Excess Information And Remember Then To Clean Their Hands Properly    

Coronavirus pandemic is present worldwide. One of the main issues for parents is explaining to their children why whey there are images in the news with panicked people with medical masks. This will increase the risk of developing stress and anxiety in children, and they require some explanation from their parents to prevent it. This might prepare the children to deal with the information, including fake news and misinformation. Also, parents must give children the opportunity to make questions and be prepared to answer them honestly. Also, always remember the children to wash their hands, and have healthy sleep habits and appropriate nutrition, in order not to affect immunity. Also, informing the kids that their antibodies are more prepared to handle the virus, compared to adults and elders, will help reduce their anxiety. More Information click here.


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